A whole new way to deliver UI

Adaptive Cards are platform-agnostic snippets of UI, authored in JSON, that apps and services can openly exchange. When delivered to a specific app, the JSON is transformed into native UI that automatically adapts to its surroundings. It helps design and integrate light-weight UI for all major platforms and frameworks.

Meet your users where they are

Modern digital life is hectic. Users are constantly switching between devices, apps, and services to get their job done. Adaptive Cards help you increase engagement and efficiency by injecting your actionable content directly into the apps they use every day.

Integrate into existing apps

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Bot Framework

A conversational bot powered by Adaptive Cards can greatly simplify business workflows on your web site or through other channels.

Microsoft Teams logo

Microsoft Teams

As the digital hub for many modern workers, Teams offers multiple extensibilty points for apps to integrate with.

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Outlook Actionable Messages

Email has long been life-blood of an information worker, and now you can deliver actionable content directly to their inbox.

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Windows Timeline

Help users resume their activities on any device.

"User engagement on surveys is always a challenge, but after utilizing Outlook Actionable Messages our return rate surged from 10-12% to a 3 month average of 35%!"

photo of Richard Greenfield

Executive Support Services

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Open your apps to extensibility

There's an ecosystem of developers out there who want to integrate with your apps, but how can you do so safely and without their content sticking out like a sore thumb? Adaptive Cards are always native and blend seamlessly into the surrounding UI - and they work on every major platform!

Native performance

Adaptive Cards render native UI on any platform

Adapts to the surrounding UI

Cards automatically adaptive to the surrounding UI

Fully extensible

The schema is open-ended so you can add your own element

Dynamic and interactive

Interactivity is expressed declaratively to help reduce risk of custom code injection

"Microsoft Teams is only as powerful as the third-party services that integrate with it. Adaptive Cards allows any developer to plug into the richness of the Teams platform in a native way."

photo of Bill Bliss

Bill Bliss

Platform Architect

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Design cards anywhere

You don't have to send your users to this website to design cards. Just like Adaptive Cards blend into their surroundings, so does the Adaptive Card Designer. The SDK includes a full configuration API allowing you to deeply integrate card workflows into your existing toolchain.

"AtBot helps anyone write a bot without having to write code. By embedding the Adaptive Card designer directly into our web-based portal our customers can create rich, data-bound cards right from the browser."

photo of Joe Herres

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Updated May 2020

Create, share, and discover reusable templates

What if you could instantly display any type of data? It could be your own app's data, your organization's data, or data from the web. With Adaptive Card Templating you can separate the data from card layout, and when coupled with a new template service a whole new ecosystem of card exchange becomes possible.

Rich designer integration

Sample data allows you to preview your template without leaving the designer.

Simplify development workflows

Create your template in the designer, use it without your services, then paste it right back into the designer to make changes.

Discover and share templates using a REST service

The template service finds a template for your data, and will even populate it for you.

We want to hear from you

We don't have a release date for this preview yet, but we're waiting to learn from you.

"Teamwork offers a suite of productivity tools that integrate into many platforms. By creating reusable Adaptive Card templates we are able to deliver the same UI natively into our own apps, as well as tools our customers already use like Microsoft Teams and Visual Studio Code."

photo of Tim Cadenbach

Tim Cadenbach

Head of Integrations

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